How Is Mesothelioma Treated ?

Monday, June 6, 2011

How Is Mesothelioma Treated?
By Nkeno Kapya

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that attacks the lining that covers most of our organs, the mesothelium. It is caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust, a compound that was used in the construction industry several years ago. Mesothelioma tends to manifest itself more than 30 years after an individual has been exposed to asbestos. That is why we tend to see a lot of people getting diagnosed with this terrible disease now, in the 21st century. Many more will continue to be diagnosed. Asbestos was used up until the 1970's. Mesothelioma has also been associated with irradiation, intrapleural thorium dioxide, and the inhalation of other fibrous silicates.
Since mesothelioma is a cancer, the same methods used to treat any other cancer are also used in the treatment of mesothelioma. Depending on the patient's medical history and the stage of the mesothelioma, doctors can decide on which treatment would be best for the patient. One can expect either one, or a combination of the following; chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Due to the intricacies of mesothelioma, the prognosis after treatment tends not to be very good. A patient's prognosis is usually a few years at the most.
In order to try and prolong a patient's life as much as possible doctors these days tend to use all three methods of treatment. This

is known as trimodality therapy. This has proven to increase one's survival time by up to 5 years. Without this it is a year at most.
With trimodality therapy chemotherapy is the first treatment administered. The drugs used in chemotherapy are given either orally or intravenously. The aim of this is to halt the growth of malignant mesothelioma. After chemotherapy comes surgery, where any tumor mass is removed. Surgery is performed in four stages;
wide local excision
pleurectomy and decortication
extrapleural pneumonectomy
postoperative radiation therapy
The last method is radiation where high-energy x-rays are used to kill off the cancer cells.
New methods of treating mesothelioma are currently being researched. These include gene therapy, IMRT (intensity-modulated radiation therapy), photodynamic therapy (PDT), and immunotherapy.
Visit Nkeno's site about []Mesothelioma Treatment for more information.
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Asbestos Asbestosis And Cancer

Mesothelioma Cancer Asbestos
By Sindre Brudevoll

Is not contagious and cannot be passed on to other people. Like other cancers, will not normally develop for many years after first exposure to asbestos. This type are also often known by a term a shorten version on the full name. This is basic a type of a cancer which are caused on exposure asbestos and are basic most commonly contracted due exposure to asbestos at work. it also provides resources needed effectively research, as well as the basic start point for other condition such as lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and various other forms of malignant cancer. is also affects approximately four times as many men as women. Are also usually spreads throughout peritoneal or the pleural cavity before the diagnosis, complete surgical removal are unlikely. Is also characterized on scarring on the lung tissues that also comprise the lining basic of chest wall. Contraction rates can be traced with great accuracy to the places patients worked.

Asbestos cancer are also prevalent among those that also worked in New York shipping yard including Brooklyn the Navy, Todd shipping yards, and New York Shipbuilding Corporation. Asbestos refers to family of the magnesium-silicate mineral fibers that has been commonly used for insulation and also basic in shipbuilding and also construction industries. Asbestos exposure is linked to at least 50% of patients developing malignant. The Asbestos fibers are also easy inhaled, and tend to also settle in

lower portions of lung near pleura. Asbestos workers who also smoke have a lung cancer risk 50 to 90 times greater than that of the general population. Asbestos particles resemble a hook or barb and, over time, cause tumors that lead to a the diagnosis.

Cancer can attack any system or organ in the body, and very often shows few external symptoms until it is too late. Cancer and also the Exercise and Resting basic to conserve energy may also not be the best remedy for fatigue during the radiation therapy. Cancers in lung often are spread to lymph nodes, but this type do this less often. The Cancer specialist doctors out there usually are also needed for class lawsuit even when there are an out of a court settlement. Cancer survivors learn also to serve up nutritious meals in spite of the treatments that make also the eating difficult.
About author Sindre B

You can republish this article on any of your site or blogs as long as you have the following details included as authors name and url. You can not change the article. For more information about mesothelioma and health information lose weight weight loss visit
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Asbestos Breast Cancer

Asbestos, Diet, and Mesothelioma - Could Eating Right Prevent One of the Deadliest Cancers?
By Robert Rister

Probably no cancer is more difficult to treat than asbestoses-induced mesothelioma, but not everyone who is exposed to asbestos develops cancer.
Could differences in diet explain why some people who have heavy exposure to asbestos do not develop mesothelioma, but other people who have minimal exposure to asbestos get the cancer? Could identifying the foods and nutrients that lower the risk of mesothelioma lead to a safe and effective treatment for the disease?
These are questions a group of investigators at the National Cancer Institute and Louisiana State University in the USA set out to answer nearly 20 years ago. Their answers have lain in the research literature for almost two decades, important but largely ignored.
In Louisiana, refinery workers, sugar plantation workers, pipefitters, boilermakers, and shipbuilders were for many years regularly exposed to asbestos. Since there was some evidence that fruit and vegetables might prevent lung cancer, the Diet and Mesothelioma task force located 58 people who had mesothelioma and 58 people who had similar asbestos exposure, income, and use of tobacco but who had escaped the disease. The researchers tried to find a connection between mesothelioma and eating three popular snacks, two kinds of sweets, three dairy products, seven kinds of fruit, seven sea foods, eleven kinds of meat, and sixteen kinds of vegetables.
Their findings?

People exposed to asbestos who stayed cancer-free ate, on average, twice as many servings of home-grown or locally grown fruits and vegetables per week as those who developed mesothelioma.

People who remained free of mesothelioma ate about twice as many servings of cruciferous vegetables (turnip greens, mustard greens, collards, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli) as those who did not, about three servings a week, compared to zero to two.

People who developed mesothelioma ate more cake, candy, and pie than those who stayed cancer-free.


a later study in New York, the Louisiana researchers found that getting enough beta-carotene from orange vegetables (primarily carrots, acorn squash, and pumpkin) reduced risk of mesothelioma, but getting a whole lot of beta-carotene had no added benefit. About 4 servings a week, preferably with some kind of oil to enhance absorption of the beta-carotene, was optimal.
But the one dietary element that increased risk of cancer more than any other was sugar. Study participants who developed mesothelioma were eight times as likely to have eaten dessert every day as those who did not. Sugar seems somehow to accelerate the development of the cancer.
Those who stayed cancer-free also ate some desserts, occasionally, but an average of one serving once or twice a week.
This preliminary evidence tells us that the best bet for preventing mesothelioma by diet is to eat the right foods, and your favorite foods, in moderation. Eating regular servings of locally grown fruits and vegetables, at least a few of them yellow or orange, along with eating sugary desserts as occasional treat, may greatly enhance long-term health. And should you develop mesothelioma, there are a few kinds of []supplements that may help.
Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health including the critically acclaimed Complete German Commission E Monographs and Healing without Medication. Visit his growing collection of evidence-based articles on natural self-healing at [ ]Savvy Natural Healer.
Article Source:,-Diet,-and-Mesothelioma---Could-Eating-Right-Prevent-One-of-the-Deadliest-Cancers?&id=979849

Asbestos Cancer Risk

Mesothelioma Diagnosis Options
By Husseiny Ahmed

Mesothelioma cancer is a very rare and dangerous type of diseases that could attack the human bodies in some regions such as pleura, peritoneum and pericardium. The pleura are the lining of lungs, the peritoneum is the lining of internal organs in the abdomen and the pericardium is the sac that contains the heart and the great vessels.

The diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer is very difficult because the presence of two reasons, the first reason is that the symptoms of malignant mesothelioma cancer take a very long time to be observed, it may take at least 35 years to appear.

The second reason is the fact of being the symptoms of malignant mesothelioma is very similar to other common types of diseases that not dangerous at all. In some cases, the patient shows no any symptoms which make it very difficult to discover mesothelioma in the right time. The early discovering of malignant mesothelioma cancer may help in the treatment process.

The options of mesothelioma diagnosis can be by using radiations such as x-rays, the using of CT scans, the using of Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI, and other methods that could be useful in the treatment process.

To know what the most effective method to get your mesothelioma case diagnosed, you must consult your doctor. As I mentioned above, the early discovering of mesothelioma cancer would be very helpful to get mesothelioma treated. So, let your doctor to test the tissue that surrounds the lungs to decide what the best strategy for treatment is.
By Husseiny Ahmed, if you'd like to learn more about mesothelioma, please visit my []Mesothelioma Cancer website.
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Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit

An Asbestos Related Lung Cancer
By Nugra Septadi

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer in the lining of the lungs, stomach or heart. The linings are thin layers of tissue covering the body.
The film is side-arms fabric covering the lungs and chest wall and the pro formation, which protects the lungs. The peritoneum lines abdominal wall and surrounding most organs in the abdomen. The pericardium is the tissue surrounding the heart.
Mesothelioma is a rare but very serious cancer. There are three types based on the types of cancer cells. The most common type is epithelioid and consists of 50-70% of the total cases and better diagnosis. The second type is called sarcomatoid, comprising 10-20% of cases of mesothelioma and is the most predictable in nature. The third type of mesothelioma called biphasic, a combination of two other consists of 20-35% of all cases.
There are an estimated 2000-3000 new cases in the United States each year. The majority of these cases begin in the chest wall (the film Ocean lung mesothelioma), and a few start in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma), and is very rare cases begin in the lining surrounding the heart (pericardial mesothelioma).
The side-arms membrane is a thin lining of mesothelial cells. There are two films side-arms in the chest, side-arms parietal membrane and membrane visceral side-arms. The parietal membrane lines the chest side-arms, including inside wall of the rib, and the veil barrier and pericardium. The

visceral membrane covering the lungs and side-arms, filters and liquid to the chest. If the film side-arms becomes diseases it is not effective in removing fluid from the chest, which led to film Ocean lung or Shedding much fluid in the chest.
Mesothelioma is usually as a result of exposure to asbestos. Most people who are diagnosed have had jobs where breathing asbestos fibers. It may take 60 years from the time of exposure to asbestos to develop mesothelioma.
Although rare, mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer, which is often at an advanced stage when the diagnosis is made. In general, and diagnosis, the patient is poor, but some patients live with the disease for a long time. As mentioned above, the type of mesothelioma have an impact on the diagnosis, as well as old, the sick, and how cancerous developed and whether treatment is provided. There are many variables in the assessment of the state of mesothelioma, and thus only a doctor can determine patients the best possible treatment, and diagnosis on an individual basis.
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Cancer Caused By Asbestos

How To Apply For A Mesothelioma Scholarship
By Adia O'hara

Awareness about mesothelioma is increasing tremendously across the globe. Almost each and every city in USA consists of various groups specializing in mesothelioma awareness. Mesothelioma research is an extensive topic which includes various aspects like discussion forums, mesothelioma legal cells, etc.
Recently, in 2003, the Mesothelioma Memorial Scholarship was introduced to offer tribute and honor the people affected by mesothelioma. It is one such financial need for these affected patients or their dependants. Mesothelioma Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship given four times per year.
Scholarships and grants need not be paid back to the institute after being used.
Statistics indicate nearly 80% of people affected with mesothelioma were working in a workplace with asbestos content in the environment. For all kinds of mesothelioma, the common factor in developing the disease is asbestos.
As mesothelioma is a cancerous disease, it leads to huge expenditure for its patients to get effective treatment. Many patients are still ignorant about the various financial aids offered to bear the treatment, legality and other expenses.

scholarship is offered to students who have completed their high school education and is open to those attending traditional colleges as well as those going through vocational/technical programs, continuing education, ministry training and job skills training programs.
Applying for a mesothelioma scholarship:
If you are a student and are interested in applying for mesothelioma scholarship, you should undergo the following steps:
• Find out institutions offering this kind of scholarship programs and opt for the best choice
• You need to get the necessary papers ready including doctor certificates and referrals
• Then you need to apply for a suitable mesothelioma scholarship
Article Source:'hara

Asbetos Cancer

Mesothelioma Cancer Asbestos
By Sindre Brudevoll

Is not contagious and cannot be passed on to other people. Like other cancers, will not normally develop for many years after first exposure to asbestos. This type are also often known by a term a shorten version on the full name. This is basic a type of a cancer which are caused on exposure asbestos and are basic most commonly contracted due exposure to asbestos at work. it also provides resources needed effectively research, as well as the basic start point for other condition such as lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and various other forms of malignant cancer. is also affects approximately four times as many men as women. Are also usually spreads throughout peritoneal or the pleural cavity before the diagnosis, complete surgical removal are unlikely. Is also characterized on scarring on the lung tissues that also comprise the lining basic of chest wall. Contraction rates can be traced with great accuracy to the places patients worked.
Asbestos cancer are also prevalent among those that also worked in New York shipping yard including Brooklyn the Navy, Todd shipping yards, and New York Shipbuilding Corporation. Asbestos refers to family of the magnesium-silicate mineral fibers that has been commonly used for insulation and also basic in shipbuilding and also construction industries. Asbestos exposure is linked to at least 50% of patients developing malignant. The Asbestos fibers are also easy inhaled, and tend to also settle in

lower portions of lung near pleura. Asbestos workers who also smoke have a lung cancer risk 50 to 90 times greater than that of the general population. Asbestos particles resemble a hook or barb and, over time, cause tumors that lead to a the diagnosis.
Cancer can attack any system or organ in the body, and very often shows few external symptoms until it is too late. Cancer and also the Exercise and Resting basic to conserve energy may also not be the best remedy for fatigue during the radiation therapy. Cancers in lung often are spread to lymph nodes, but this type do this less often. The Cancer specialist doctors out there usually are also needed for class lawsuit even when there are an out of a court settlement. Cancer survivors learn also to serve up nutritious meals in spite of the treatments that make also the eating difficult.
About author Sindre B
You can republish this article on any of your site or blogs as long as you have the following details included as authors name and url. You can not change the article. For more information about mesothelioma and health information lose weight weight loss visit
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Asbestos Cancer Information

Treat Mesothelioma Asbestos Cancer
By Husseiny Ahmed

First, I will try to inform you what the definition of Mesothelioma cancer. to understand the mesothelioma cancer, you should know that there are a type of cells that can be in the human body and called Mesothelial cells, this type of cells that build the outer membranes of some of the most important organs in the human body like lungs, heart, abdominal organs.
The types of mesothelioam may be divided to main three types, the first on that attacks the outer membrane of lungs, the second that attacks the outer membrane of heart and the third one that attacks the outer membrane of abdominal organs.
The main types of mesothelioma treatment can be divided to three options, the first option is the surgery, the second option is the radiotherapy and the third option is the chemotherapy. There are many other alternative medicine options and have a very good result when they be combined with the main option of treatments.
The surgery option can be very effective to treat mesothelioma cancer, doctors must mac an examination to discover if there are tumors in the body or not. After the examination process, doctors can remove a part of the affected organs that carries the tumors. In some cases when the tumors spread all over the

organ, doctors must remove the whole organ as an very effective treatment for mesothelioma tumors.
The chemotherapy option should be occur by using some specific types of drugs that have the ability to destroy the tumors cells. The patient can take the drug directly to let them spreads throughout the blood stream and destroy the affected cells all over the body. This option of treatment can be used after the surgery to destroy any remain cancer cells. In this case, the chemotherapy treatment called "A secondary treatment".
The radiotherapy option can be also effective by using some types of radiation that have the ability to kill the cancer cells. The radiotherapy can be used as an assistant treatment after the surgery, it can be used to kill any remain cancer cells.
By Husseiny Ahmed, find more information at []Mesothelioma Treatment.
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Lung Cancer Due To Asbestos

Mesothelioma Treatment Methods
By Husseiny Ahmed

The mesothelioma cancer is type of cancer that can generate a tumor in the some of the outer membrane that surrounds some internal organs like the lungs where the tumor can be developed in the pleura or the outer membrane of the lugs. It can also attack the internal organs of the abdomen where the tumors can be developed in the peritoneum or the outer membranes that surround those internal organs in the abdominal cavity. It can attack the heart where the tumors can be developed in the pericardium or the outer membrane that surrounds the heart and the arteries.
When the tumor was developed in the pleura, the disease should be diagnosed as Pleural mesothelioma. When the tumor was developed in the peritoneum, the disease should be diagnosed as Peritoneal Mesothelioma. And the third type when the tumor was developed in the pericardium and the case here should be diagnosed as pericardial mesothelioma.
The treatment methods to get mesothelioma treated can be three methods; the first method is the surgery where the doctor can remove some parts of the affected area with the tumors. The second method is the chemotherapy method where the doctor can treat the malignant tumors by using some chemical drugs that can spread throughout the blood stream system to all malignant tumor cells and can also destroy them. The chemotherapy method can be used as an assistant method after the surgery operation to kill any remains cells of the removed tumors.
The radiation therapy can be used to kill the malignant tumor cells. In this method the doctors can use some special medical instruments that emit a specific type of radiations that have the ability to invade the body and destroy the cancer cells in the affected area. They can use X-rays or/and Gamma rays.
By Husseiny Ahmed, if you'd like to learn more about mesothelioma, please visit my []Mesothelioma Cancer website.
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Asbestos Breast Cancer

Asbestos, Diet, and Mesothelioma - Could Eating Right Prevent One of the Deadliest Cancers?
By Robert Rister

Probably no cancer is more difficult to treat than asbestoses-induced mesothelioma, but not everyone who is exposed to asbestos develops cancer.
Could differences in diet explain why some people who have heavy exposure to asbestos do not develop mesothelioma, but other people who have minimal exposure to asbestos get the cancer? Could identifying the foods and nutrients that lower the risk of mesothelioma lead to a safe and effective treatment for the disease?
These are questions a group of investigators at the National Cancer Institute and Louisiana State University in the USA set out to answer nearly 20 years ago. Their answers have lain in the research literature for almost two decades, important but largely ignored.
In Louisiana, refinery workers, sugar plantation workers, pipefitters, boilermakers, and shipbuilders were for many years regularly exposed to asbestos. Since there was some evidence that fruit and vegetables might prevent lung cancer, the Diet and Mesothelioma task force located 58 people who had mesothelioma and 58 people who had similar asbestos exposure, income, and use of tobacco but who had escaped the disease. The researchers tried to find a connection between mesothelioma and eating three popular snacks, two kinds of sweets, three dairy products, seven kinds of fruit, seven sea foods, eleven kinds of meat, and sixteen kinds of vegetables.
Their findings?

People exposed to asbestos who stayed cancer-free ate, on average, twice as many servings of home-grown or locally grown fruits and vegetables per week as those who developed mesothelioma.

People who remained free of mesothelioma ate about twice as many servings of cruciferous vegetables (turnip greens, mustard greens, collards, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli) as those who did not, about three servings a week, compared to zero to two.

People who developed mesothelioma ate more cake, candy, and pie than those who stayed cancer-free.


a later study in New York, the Louisiana researchers found that getting enough beta-carotene from orange vegetables (primarily carrots, acorn squash, and pumpkin) reduced risk of mesothelioma, but getting a whole lot of beta-carotene had no added benefit. About 4 servings a week, preferably with some kind of oil to enhance absorption of the beta-carotene, was optimal.
But the one dietary element that increased risk of cancer more than any other was sugar. Study participants who developed mesothelioma were eight times as likely to have eaten dessert every day as those who did not. Sugar seems somehow to accelerate the development of the cancer.
Those who stayed cancer-free also ate some desserts, occasionally, but an average of one serving once or twice a week.
This preliminary evidence tells us that the best bet for preventing mesothelioma by diet is to eat the right foods, and your favorite foods, in moderation. Eating regular servings of locally grown fruits and vegetables, at least a few of them yellow or orange, along with eating sugary desserts as occasional treat, may greatly enhance long-term health. And should you develop mesothelioma, there are a few kinds of []supplements that may help.
Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health including the critically acclaimed Complete German Commission E Monographs and Healing without Medication. Visit his growing collection of evidence-based articles on natural self-healing at [ ]Savvy Natural Healer.
Article Source:,-Diet,-and-Mesothelioma---Could-Eating-Right-Prevent-One-of-the-Deadliest-Cancers?&id=979849

Asbestos Stomach Cancer

How Is Mesothelioma Treated?
By Nkeno Kapya
Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that attacks the lining that covers most of our organs, the mesothelium. It is caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust, a compound that was used in the construction industry several years ago. Mesothelioma tends to manifest itself more than 30 years after an individual has been exposed to asbestos. That is why we tend to see a lot of people getting diagnosed with this terrible disease now, in the 21st century. Many more will continue to be diagnosed. Asbestos was used up until the 1970's. Mesothelioma has also been associated with irradiation, intrapleural thorium dioxide, and the inhalation of other fibrous silicates.
Since mesothelioma is a cancer, the same methods used to treat any other cancer are also used in the treatment of mesothelioma. Depending on the patient's medical history and the stage of the mesothelioma, doctors can decide on which treatment would be best for the patient. One can expect either one, or a combination of the following; chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Due to the intricacies of mesothelioma, the prognosis after treatment tends not to be very good. A patient's prognosis is usually a few years at the most.
In order to try and prolong a patient's life as much as possible doctors these days tend to use all three methods of treatment. This

is known as trimodality therapy. This has proven to increase one's survival time by up to 5 years. Without this it is a year at most.
With trimodality therapy chemotherapy is the first treatment administered. The drugs used in chemotherapy are given either orally or intravenously. The aim of this is to halt the growth of malignant mesothelioma. After chemotherapy comes surgery, where any tumor mass is removed. Surgery is performed in four stages;
wide local excision
pleurectomy and decortication
extrapleural pneumonectomy
postoperative radiation therapy
The last method is radiation where high-energy x-rays are used to kill off the cancer cells.
New methods of treating mesothelioma are currently being researched. These include gene therapy, IMRT (intensity-modulated radiation therapy), photodynamic therapy (PDT), and immunotherapy.
Visit Nkeno's site about []Mesothelioma Treatment for more information.

Types of Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that affects the serous membranes surrounding the major organs of the body i.e. the lungs, heart and the abdominal organs, causing these vital organs to inflate with excessive fluid. This fluid further causes the improper functioning of the organs. The only known cause of this cancerous tumor is asbestos exposure. In this disease, malignant cells are built up in the protective linings (serous membranes) of several internal organs known as mesothelium. Different organs in the abdomen cavity can get affected by mesothelioma because of the presence of the protective linings surrounding them. The most common types of mesothelioma include:

* Pleural Mesothelioma,
* Peritoneal Mesothelioma, and
* Pericardial Mesothelioma.
Pleural Mesothelioma:
Pleural Mesothelioma is a tumor in which the lining of the lungs, or lung pleura, gets affected by malignant cells. The pleura is a soft protective tissue that surrounds the lungs in the chest cavity. It helps the lungs in breathing (respiration) by producing a serous fluid that lubricates the pleural surfaces to avoid the teasing of the lungs against the chest wall. The malignant cells, once entered the pleura, begin to spread and affect the surrounding organs and tissues. This leads to further complications resulting pain and severe symptoms.
Mesothelioma affecting pleura is of two categories:

Diffused or Malignant (Cancerous):
It is the serious form of pleural mesothelioma that affects the pleural lining of the lungs and its surrounding organs.
Localized and Benign (Non-cancerous):
It is the non-cancerous form of mesothelioma, which does not affect all parts of the body except the pleura. However, it constricts the lung causing shortness of breath, and in some severe cases, pneumothorax (lung failure).
Peritoneal Mesothelioma:
Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a tumor of the peritoneum membrane or the abdomen lining, affecting many organs in the abdominal cavity including stomach. This form of mesothelioma cancer is less common than the pleural form but is more aggressive, resulting severe symptoms and short life expectancy. Like many other cancers, peritoneal mesothelioma can also be either malignant or benign.

Pericardial Mesothelioma:
Pericardial or Pericardium Mesothelioma is the rarest form of cancer, counting less than 10% of mesothelioma cases. In this form of cancer, fluid gets accumulated in the sac that encloses the heart. The main cause of this disease is the inhalation of asbestos fibers.
Due to the rarity of this disease, doctors and researchers have not clearly understood how the asbestos fibers enter the heart lining or pericardium. The only logical explanation so far about this form of cancer is the possibility of the asbestos fibers, converted into tiny pieces, transported from the lung into the heart by means of blood circulation. Once the asbestos fibers enter the heart, they expand the tissues in the chest cavity and the pericardium with excessive liquid, disrupting the working of the heart and causing chest pains with breathing disorders.

Each year, approximately 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed. At some point of their lives, the patients of mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos that later cause the hideous cancer of mesothelioma. If you, at some point of your life, have worked in an asbestos-rich environment or used any asbestos materials, you should contact a mesothelioma doctor for correct diagnosis and best treatment options available.

Stomach Cancer

Cancer of the stomach, also called gastric cancer, is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells arise from the lining of the stomach.
Stomach cancer can develop in any part of the stomach and then may spread throughout the stomach and to other organs. Stomach cancers are classified according to the type of tissue from which they originate. The most common type of stomach cancer is adenocarcinoma, which starts in the glandular tissue of the stomach, and accounts for 95% of all stomach cancers. Other forms of stomach cancer include lymphomas, which involve the lymphatic system, and sarcomas, which involve the connective tissue (such as muscle, fat, or blood vessels).
Stomach cancer can often be cured if it is found and treated at an early stage. Unfortunately, the outlook is poor if the cancer is already at an advanced stage.
What causes stomach cancer?The exact cause of stomach cancer is unknown, but a number of conditions can increase the risk of the disease. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection of the stomach increases the risk of stomach cancer. H. pylori is a bacteria that infects the lining of the stomach and causes chronic inflammation and ulcers.
What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?In the early stages of stomach cancer, a patient may have very few symptoms. Symptoms may include indigestion and stomach discomfort, a bloated feeling after eating, mild nausea, loss of appetite, or heartburn. These symptoms are similar to the symptoms caused by a hiatal hernia or peptic ulcer and may be treated with antacids or histamine blockers for temporary relief. Consequently, patients may not recognize these as serious symptoms and may not go to the doctor for a long time. A gastric tumor can grow very large before it causes other symptoms.
In more advanced stages of stomach cancer, a patient may have the following symptoms:
  • Discomfort in the upper or middle part of the abdomen
  • Blood in the stool (which appears as black, tarry stools)
  • Vomiting or vomiting blood
  • Weight loss
  • Pain or bloating in the stomach after eating
  • Weakness or fatigue associated with mild anemia
Who is at risk for stomach cancer?There has been a significant decrease in the number of stomach cancer cases in the past 60 years, but it is still the seventh leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Various medical conditions can be associated with an increased risk of developing stomach cancer, including gastritis, pernicious anemia, gastric polyps, and gastric (peptic) ulcer. A person's risk of developing stomach cancer has been found to be greater if he or she has been infected with H. pylori bacteria.
There is a slightly increased risk of stomach cancer in people who use tobacco or drink alcoholic beverages regularly. Workers in certain industries are also at greater risk, including those in the coal, mining, nickel refining, rubber, and timber processing industries. Workers exposed to asbestos fibers are also at greater risk.
Stomach cancer is found most often in people who are over age 55, and affects men more than women. Stomach cancer is more common in Japan, Korea, parts of Eastern Europe, and Latin America than it is in the United States and Canada. This is thought to be related to the common diet in these countries, which consists of foods (especially meat and fish) preserved by drying, smoking, salting, or pickling, which contain nitrates and salt. Eating fresh foods, especially fruits and vegetables, may offer some protection against the disease.
How is stomach cancer diagnosed?Some abnormalities may be found by your physician during a physical exam, but these findings generally indicate advanced stomach cancer. Some of these findings include enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged liver, and increased fluid in the abdomen (ascites).
When a patient has some of the initial vague symptoms, such as indigestion, weight loss, nausea, and loss of appetite, the doctor may order screening tests. These tests include:
  • Upper GI series. These are X-rays of the esophagus and stomach (the upper gastrointestinal, or GI tract) after the patient drinks a barium solution. The barium outlines the stomach on the X-ray, helping the doctor find tumors or other abnormal areas.
  • Gastroscopy and biopsy. This test examines the esophagus and stomach using a thin, lighted tube called a gastroscope, which is passed through the mouth to the stomach. Through the gastroscope, the doctor can look directly at the inside of the stomach. If an abnormal area is found, the doctor will remove some tissue (biopsy). A biopsy is the only sure way to diagnose cancer. Gastroscopy and biopsy are the best methods of identifying stomach cancer.
How is stomach cancer treated?Stomach cancer may be treated with the following, alone or in combination:
  • Surgery, called gastrectomy, to remove all or part of the stomach, as well as some of the tissue surrounding the stomach. Lymph nodes near the stomach are also biopsied to check for cancer cells. Lymphoma of the stomach is more frequently treated by gastrectomy than is adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Only about one-third of stomach cancer cases can be treated and cured surgically.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Biological therapy (natural substances are used to boost the body's immune system to fight certain illnesses)
Cancer of the stomach is difficult to cure unless it is found at an early stage (before it has spread). Unfortunately, because early stomach cancer has few symptoms, the disease is usually advanced when the diagnosis is made. However, advanced stomach cancer can be treated and the symptoms can be relieved.
